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En camí!

En camí!

Més productes de Cocoon Kids molt aviat!


    Squishy Cuddlies - absolultely unique, and no two are alike!

    • Hand made to order
    • Different colours
    • Different scents
    • Different textures and 'squeezynesses'
    • Hand and palm sized
    • Perfect for pockets, home, school, desks, work, presents, bed and pillow pals



    We make sure that each is perfect before we send them to you!

    These unique and bespoke, one-off items are hand-made - we know... how exciting!

    We accept returns for unused and unopened items. But, as a not-for-profit organisation, we ask that you pay for postage, and send us an image proof of postage.


    Damaged items

    We check each item very carefully and package them with care. We don't anticipate that our items will be damaged, but mistakes can happen occasionally of course.

    We'll refund the cost if they items are damaged on receipt. Please return them in their packaging with their receipt lable enclosed, letting us know by email that you are doing so, and why.



    Postage and packaging

    Postage and packaging (shipping) rates vary depending on order size, weight and your location. Enquire now to find out more.


    Local drop off

    Are you local to us in Staines, or does your family attend or work at one of the local schools who use our services? We can drop these off to the school for free, if so! Please get in touch to find out more.

    Yes, do come back again very, very soon!

  • More stock being hand-made as we speak!

    More babies are being lovingly hand-created right this second!

    Get in touch to find out about your own 'baby' to cuddle and squeeze.

  • Do you use Cocoon Kids CIC sessions already?

    Coming soon!

    If you're a child or young person, or the parent of a child or young person who uses our service, a Cuddly Squishy is free with your Cocoon Kids CIC sessions.

© Copyright

Finalist in at Crest23 Surrey Business Awards, 2023

Smarter Transport & 

Community Impact Awards


Spelthorne Business Awards, 2022

Runner Up New Start Up of the Year &

Runner Up Best Business in Staines Upon Thames & Laleham

Our supporters

NEW LBSEP_Student - Llloyds SSE Lottery.png

Proudly incorporated with the support of

GGT Solutions &

A2Dominion Communities Entrepreneurs Programme

CFS Full Colour logo + Funded by CMYK.jpg
Hounslow Logo for website.png
Brandmark_RGB_Colourway 1 ROE.jpg
Magic Little Grants.JPG
Local giving.JPG
Postcode lottery.jpeg
woodward logo (1).jpg

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Aquest lloc web està pensat per ser utilitzat per ADULTS a partir de 18 anys .


Tots els consells, enllaços, aplicacions, serveis i productes suggerits en aquest lloc només s'utilitzen com a orientació. No utilitzeu cap consell, enllaç, aplicació , servei o producte suggerit en aquest lloc si no és adequat per a les vostres necessitats, o si no és adequat per a les necessitats de la persona per a la qual utilitzeu aquest servei i els seus productes. Si us plau, poseu-vos en contacte amb nosaltres directament si voleu més assessorament o orientació sobre la idoneïtat dels consells, enllaços, aplicacions, serveis i productes d'aquest lloc web.

​    TOTS ELS DRETS RESERVATS. Cocoon Kids 2019. Els logotips i el lloc web de Cocoon Kids estan protegits per drets d'autor. Cap part d'aquest lloc web ni cap document produït per Cocoon Kids es pot utilitzar o copiar totalment o parcialment, sense permís explícit.

Trobeu-nos: fronteres de Surrey, Gran Londres, West London: Staines, Ashford, Stanwell, Feltham, Sunbury, Egham, Hounslow, Isleworth i els voltants.


Envieu-nos un correu electrònic:

© 2019 per Cocoon Kids. Creat amb orgull amb

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