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Cad a deir daoine

Tá cead tugtha dúinn an t-aiseolas iontach seo a roinnt ó cheann de na heagraíochtaí a mbímid ag obair taobh leo, chun tacú le leanaí agus daoine óga áitiúla.

D’iarr siad orainn é a roinnt lenár ndeontóirí agus lenár dtabhartóirí airgid, ionas go mbeadh a fhios acu go díreach cé chomh mór agus a dhéanann a ndeonú difríocht.

Ba mhaith linn a rá, áfach, go ndéantar na hathruithe agus na héagsúlachtaí a fheictear tríd an obair chrua agus an muinín atá ag gach leanbh, duine óg agus a dteaghlach as an obair xx

Long-term outcomes:


Improved self-regulation strategies

better mental health &

emotional literacy, & developmentally appropriate behaviours

Siblings Sammy and Bryony's school's Assistant Head shares they're better at self-regulating, and communicate more effectively and appropriately.


Their family have noticed they're not ‘bottling-up’ and exploding or having meltdowns at home.


Their teacher says they're nor over-sharing anymore.


Children, young people, families & other adults report:

Significantly improved

self-esteem and emotional wellbeing & better school attendance

Tara's family and school shared big changes as their self-esteem rocketed:


Before they weren't invited to any class parties or social occasions, seemed 'isolated' and socially separate and never put their hand up in class 'even when they know the answers'... 


Tara delights in telling us they've presented in assembly, have 'five BFFs', have been to three birthday parties and have been to their ever first sleep-over. We're delighted to hear it, too.


Focus on Priority Families:


Fully-funded, longer-term Attachment &Trauma Informed sessions for 35

Spelthorne & Hounslow Borough children, young people &

their families

Greatly improved sleep, for all the family:


Jo says the nightmares have stopped now he and feels 'safer' at night.


His family says he's not ‘up in the night’ like he used to be - which means everyone gets to sleep.


Athraíodh gach ainm agus grianghraf a úsáideadh chun céannacht gach duine a chosaint.

© Copyright

Finalist in at Crest23 Surrey Business Awards, 2023

Smarter Transport & 

Community Impact Awards


Spelthorne Business Awards, 2022

Runner Up New Start Up of the Year &

Runner Up Best Business in Staines Upon Thames & Laleham

Our supporters

NEW LBSEP_Student - Llloyds SSE Lottery.png

Proudly incorporated with the support of

GGT Solutions &

A2Dominion Communities Entrepreneurs Programme

CFS Full Colour logo + Funded by CMYK.jpg
Hounslow Logo for website.png
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Maoirseacht a dhéanamh ar leanaí agus daoine óga a úsáideann an suíomh Gréasáin seo. Ba chóir iad a chur ar an eolas faoi oiriúnacht aon seirbhísí, táirgí, comhairle, naisc nó aipeanna.


Tá an suíomh Gréasáin seo beartaithe le húsáid ag FÁS 18 mbliana d'aois agus os a chionn .


Tá aon chomhairle, naisc, aipeanna, seirbhísí agus táirgí a mholtar ar an láithreán seo beartaithe le húsáid mar threoir amháin. Ná húsáid aon chomhairle, naisc, aipeanna , seirbhísí nó táirgí a mholtar ar an suíomh seo mura bhfuil siad oiriúnach do do riachtanais, nó mura bhfuil siad oiriúnach do riachtanais an duine a bhfuil an tseirbhís seo á úsáid agat agus a táirgí dó. Déan teagmháil linn go díreach le do thoil má tá tuilleadh comhairle nó treorach uait maidir le hoiriúnacht na comhairle, na nasc, na n-aipeanna, na seirbhísí agus na dtáirgí ar an suíomh Gréasáin seo.

​    GACH CEART AR COSAINT. Cocoon Kids 2019. Tá lógónna agus suíomh Gréasáin Cocoon Kids faoi chosaint cóipchirt. Ní féidir aon chuid den suíomh Gréasáin seo nó aon doiciméid arna dtáirgeadh ag Cocoon Kids a úsáid nó a chóipeáil go hiomlán nó go páirteach, gan cead sainráite.

Faigh sinn: teorainneacha Surrey, Londain Mhór, Londain Thiar: Staines, Ashford, Stanwell, Feltham, Sunbury, Egham, Hounslow, Isleworth & na ceantair máguaird.

Glaoigh orainn: AG TEACHT SOON!

Ríomhphost Linn:


© 2019 le Cocoon Kids. Cruthaithe go bródúil le

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