Apa orang cakap
Kami telah diberi kebenaran untuk berkongsi maklum balas yang menakjubkan ini daripada salah satu organisasi yang kami bekerjasama, untuk menyokong kanak-kanak dan orang muda tempatan.
Mereka meminta kami untuk berkongsi dengan penderma dan pemberi dana kami, supaya mereka tahu betapa besarnya perbezaan yang dilakukan oleh derma mereka.
Kami hanya ingin menambah, bahawa perubahan dan perbezaan yang dilihat dibuat melalui kerja keras dan kepercayaan dalam proses mereka yang dimiliki setiap kanak-kanak, orang muda dan keluarga mereka dalam kerja xx
Long-term outcomes:
Improved self-regulation strategies
better mental health &
emotional literacy, & developmentally appropriate behaviours
Siblings Sammy and Bryony's school's Assistant Head shares they're better at self-regulating, and communicate more effectively and appropriately.
Their family have noticed they're not ‘bottling-up’ and exploding or having meltdowns at home.
Their teacher says they're nor over-sharing anymore.

Children, young people, families & other adults report:
Significantly improved
self-esteem and emotional wellbeing & better school attendance
Tara's family and school shared big changes as their self-esteem rocketed:
Before they weren't invited to any class parties or social occasions, seemed 'isolated' and socially separate and never put their hand up in class 'even when they know the answers'...
Tara delights in telling us they've presented in assembly, have 'five BFFs', have been to three birthday parties and have been to their ever first sleep-over. We're delighted to hear it, too.

Focus on Priority Families:
Fully-funded, longer-term Attachment &Trauma Informed sessions for 35
Spelthorne & Hounslow Borough children, young people &
their families
Greatly improved sleep, for all the family:
Jo says the nightmares have stopped now he and feels 'safer' at night.
His family says he's not ‘up in the night’ like he used to be - which means everyone gets to sleep.

Semua nama dan gambar yang digunakan telah ditukar untuk melindungi identiti setiap individu.